
Monmouth County Juvenile Drug Arrests in Schools- Long Branch

It is very common question to ask what privacy rights do juveniles have while they are at school? Can their lockers and backpacks be searched? Many juveniles arrested for Drug Possession or Distribution of CDS within 1000 feet of a school, are arrested only after a school official has searched their locker or backpack and found marijuana, cocaine or heroin. Often times a juvenile was pressured by another student to store the drugs, and he or she is left possessing the contraband. Often times, juveniles will think that since they were not selling the drugs or they were holding drugs for another student that they are not guilty. If you or your child has been arrested for any criminal charge it is important that you speak with an experienced New Jersey criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

It is imperative that a lawyer review the police reports in order to determine whether the police and/or school officials acted legally. The juvenile will be appearing in the family division of the Superior Court regardless of the offense, since juvenile offenders are brought before the Superior Court. Even if the juvenile is charged with Possession of Marijuana less than 50 grams (which is a disorderly persons offense) the matter will be brought before a Superior Court Judge. It is possible that the juvenile can be eligible for an Adjourned Disposition, which will mean that the juvenile will not have record.

Ms. Breslow is very experienced in handling juvenile matters across the State of New Jersey. She will handle your matter in a personal manner, and you can be sure that she will be the attorney who will be appearing in court with you and your child. Call for a consultation today, so that the matter is handled properly.

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